1 |
When may you overtake another vehicle on their left? |
2 |
You're travelling in very heavy rain. How is this likely to affect your overall stopping distance? |
3 |
What should you do when you're overtaking at night? |
4 |
When may you wait in a box junction? |
5 |
Which plate may appear with this road sign? |
6 |
What's the reason for traffic-calming measures? |
7 |
What colour are the reflective studs along the left-hand edge of the motorway? |
8 |
What's a rumble device designed to do? |
9 |
What should you do if you have to make a journey in foggy conditions? |
10 |
What must you do when you're overtaking a car at night? |
11 |
You're travelling on a road that has road humps. What should you do when the driver in front is travelling more slowly than you? |
12 |
What’s the purpose of the yellow lines painted across the road? |
13 |
What should you do when you meet an oncoming vehicle on a single-track road? |
14 |
The road is wet. Why would a motorcyclist steer around drain covers while they were cornering? |
15 |
Why should you test your brakes after this hazard? |
16 |
Why should you reduce your speed when you're driving or riding in fog? |