You hold a full category C licence. What does this entitle you to tow?
The emergency line is common to both two-line and three-line brake systems. What colour is it?
Your vehicle has double rear wheels. Why should you check them before leaving a building site?
What should you be careful of when stopping on the left in a busy place?
You're using three sheets to cover your load. Which is the correct overlap?
How can a lorry driver avoid brake fade?
What does controlling goods vehicle drivers' hours help to improve?
What must you do when driving under the rules for domestic drivers' hours?
Why are goods vehicle drivers' hours of work controlled?
Your vehicle leaks diesel fuel on a roundabout. Who will this affect most?
You’re driving a lorry. Why do you need to take extra care when turning left at this junction?
You're driving a lorry with a maximum authorised mass of more than 7.5 tonnes along a three-lane motorway. When may you use the right-hand lane?
You must have enough tachograph charts with you for your journey. When do you need to start a new chart?
What will you have to deal with when you're driving at night?
What should you look for when choosing a site to park your trailer?
When may red diesel be used?
Your lorry is fitted with a driver's seat belt. When may you drive without wearing it?
What should you do when there's a fire in your vehicle's engine compartment?
What's the main reason for cleaning your wheels and tyres when you leave a building site?
What should you check before you drive off a muddy building site onto the road?
How could you reduce your lorry's fuel consumption?
How could you reduce the fuel consumption of your lorry?
How could you reduce the problems caused by a strong side wind when driving an empty curtain-sided vehicle on an exposed bridge?
You're driving a lorry 30 feet long and towing a trailer 15 feet long. What should you do when you see this sign?
Your lorry has a curtain-sided body. Your route will take you over several high-level bridges. Why should you check the weather forecast before starting your journey?
You're turning left from a main road into a side road. What should you do if people are already crossing the road into which you're turning?
What rules apply to the wearing of seat belts fitted to your lorry?
What should you do when you're unable to see clearly while you're reversing into a loading bay?
You've been asked to drive a fully loaded petrol tanker back to the depot. It has a maximum authorised mass of 10 tonnes. What must you have before you can drive this vehicle?
Air-brake systems usually have two lines. Which additional line is fitted on a three-line system?
You're about to overtake horse riders. What could scare the horses?
During your break, your vehicle will be moved by another person. What should you do with the tachograph chart?
You're driving a lorry along a motorway. You notice that you're losing tread from one of your tyres. What should you do?
What should you do if your tachograph chart becomes dirty or damaged?
You're at a road junction, turning into a minor road. What should you do if there are pedestrians crossing the minor road?
Why are ropes unsuitable to tie down a load of scrap metal?
You're approaching a green traffic light and are going straight ahead. What should you do when the traffic ahead, beyond the junction, has stopped and is queuing?
Your lorry has been fitted with wind deflectors. How will they affect your vehicle?
Which sign means that there may be people walking along the road?
When should your lorry coupling system (fifth wheel) be checked and lubricated?
You're delivering boxes of chilled food to a supermarket. What specific training would you need?
What's the final thing you should do after recoupling a trailer?
What's the best knot to use when securing a load with ropes?
You're driving this box van and are waiting to turn right. What should you do just before turning?
Where are you allowed to park a long, rigid vehicle?
Which vehicles are most likely to be affected by side wind?
When are exhaust brakes most efficient?
Your vehicle is involved in an incident where someone is injured. You don't produce your insurance certificate at the time. How soon must you report the incident to the police?
What training must you take before driving a lorry loaded with toxic substances?
What should you do when you want to join a motorway where traffic is flowing freely?
You've just parked a lorry on the side of the road. What should you do just before dismounting from the cab?
When is a high-sided vehicle most affected by side wind?
Which of these signs means you can't drive your lorry past this point?
How many copies of the CMR consignment note are required?
What does this road sign mean?
You're waiting for the emergency services to arrive at the scene of an incident. A pedestrian's leg is bleeding heavily, but there's nothing embedded in the wound. What could you do to help?
You're behind a parked car. What should you do when you're about to move off?
What colour is the auxiliary line on a three-line braking system?
In frosty weather, what precaution could a lorry driver take to prevent moisture from freezing in the air-brake system?
How should you load a vehicle?
In England and Wales, what's the national speed limit on a single carriageway road for a rigid lorry with a maximum authorised mass of more than 7.5 tonnes?
What should you do before driving your high-sided lorry in windy weather?
You're overtaking another lorry. What should you do if you start to lose speed due to an uphill gradient?
What should you do when you overtake a cyclist on a two-way road?
What does this temporary sign mean for drivers of vehicles over 7.5 tonnes maximum authorised mass?
You're driving on a motorway. What does it mean when a lorry ahead of you switches on its hazard warning lights?
You're at the scene of an incident. What does it mean if there's a plain orange rectangle displayed on one of the vehicles?
You're approaching a bridge that has no height restriction on it. What's the minimum height under the bridge?
You've been driving a lorry without a break for four-and-a-half hours. Under EU rules, you must now take a break. How long must this break be?
Where should you park a semi-trailer if you plan to leave it unattended?
You're a driver who's certified to carry dangerous goods. How long is your certificate valid?
What's reduced by fitting a fly sheet tightly over a tipper body?
When is trailer swing most likely to occur on a lorry and drawbar combination?
You're driving a low loader and you see this sign. What's your main concern at this hazard?
You're driving a lorry with a maximum authorised mass of 38 tonnes on a single carriageway road in England. What's the speed limit for your vehicle after passing this sign?
You're driving a new articulated lorry that's fully laden. You notice that the steering feels heavy. What's the most likely reason?
You're driving an empty curtain-sided vehicle. Why might you consider tying the curtains open?
You're driving a lorry in a busy town. A driver pulls out in front of you and you have to brake hard. What should you do?
What would help to reduce the impact that your lorry has on the environment?
You're going to drive an articulated lorry with an ISO container on the trailer. How should the container be secured to the trailer?
What condition could prevent you from holding a lorry or bus licence?
You're driving an articulated lorry. What should you do when you see this sign?
What period of time does one tachograph chart cover?
You're driving a laden articulated lorry with a maximum authorised mass of 38 tonnes on a dual carriageway in England. What speed limit applies to your vehicle after passing this sign?
Where are you most likely to ground a low loader?
You're driving a lorry that's carrying a heavy load. What should you be prepared to do when you see this sign ahead?
Some lorries have an extra mirror angled down towards the nearside front wheel. What's this mirror especially useful for?
You've been issued with protective clothing. Who's responsible for its use?
You've stopped at a pelican crossing. What should you do if the lights have changed to green but a disabled person is still crossing?
What can cab-mounted wind deflectors reduce?
What's the minimum depth of tread required over three-quarters of the breadth of a lorry tyre?
What must you do if you're involved in a traffic incident?
Who's responsible for making sure that cargo arrives undamaged?
You arrive at an incident where someone is suffering from severe burns. What should you do to help?
You're covering a load using more than one sheet. Why should you start with the rearmost sheet, then work forwards?
You've been convicted of a drink-drive offence and banned from driving. Which entitlement will this ban affect?
What should you do if the vehicle ahead is being driven by a learner?
You're driving this lorry (arrowed). What should you do about the emergency vehicle that's trying to emerge from the side road?
Your vehicle is fitted with a 'diff-lock'. When would you normally use it?
You'll be driving your vehicle in Europe. Which of these documents must you carry?
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