1 |
What does this sign mean? |
2 |
Which sign means 'No stopping'? |
3 |
What does this sign mean? |
4 |
At a junction, you see this sign partly covered by snow. What does it mean? |
5 |
What does this sign mean? |
6 |
Which of these signs means turn left ahead? |
7 |
What does this sign mean? |
8 |
Which of these signs means that you're entering a one-way street? |
9 |
What does this sign mean? |
10 |
Which hazard would be shown in a triangular road sign? |
11 |
Which sign means that pedestrians may be walking along the road? |
12 |
What does this sign mean? |
13 |
What does this traffic sign mean? |
14 |
What should you do if you see this sign when you're about to overtake? |
15 |
What does this sign mean? |
16 |
You see this traffic light ahead. Which light or lights will come on next? |
17 |
Where would you find these flashing red lights? |
18 |
You're driving through roadworks. What information does this sign give you? |
19 |
What does this sign mean? |
20 |
You're driving on a motorway and there's no traffic ahead. You see this sign. Which lane should you use? |
21 |
Which of these signs shows an uphill gradient? |
22 |
Which of these signs means 'uneven road'? |
23 |
What are these advanced stop lines for? |
24 |
What does this arm signal mean? |
25 |
What does this motorway sign mean? |
26 |
What does this sign warn of? |
27 |
Who has priority when you're approaching this sign? |
28 |
What does this sign mean? |
29 |
What does this sign mean? |
30 |
What does this sign mean? |
31 |
What does this marker count down to? |
32 |
What does it mean when there are double red lines running along the edge of a road? |
33 |
Where would you expect to see these road markings? |
34 |
You're approaching traffic lights. Only the red light is showing. Which series of lights will show next? |
35 |
The double white line along the centre of the road is unbroken on your side. When may you cross the line? |
36 |
What should you do when you see this sign ahead? |
37 |
Why should you slow down when you see this sign? |
38 |
What does this sign mean? |
39 |
You're driving in fog on a three-lane motorway. Which lane are you in when you can see red reflective studs on your left and white reflective studs on your right? |
40 |
Which drivers are given instructions by diamond-shaped signs? |
41 |
What's a 'Red Route'? |
42 |
You're driving on a motorway. What colour are the reflective studs on the right-hand edge of the carriageway? |
43 |
What's the purpose of green-and-yellow fluorescent studs on a motorway? |
44 |
What does this sign mean? |
45 |
Which light won't show to a driver at a puffin crossing? |
46 |
You're approaching a red light at a puffin crossing. Pedestrians are on the crossing. How long will the red light stay on? |
47 |
A bus-lane sign shows no hours of operation. When is the bus lane in operation? |
48 |
What colour follows the green signal at a puffin crossing? |
49 |
What must you do when you're approaching a pelican crossing in its flashing amber phase? |
50 |
What should the hard shoulder on a motorway be used for? |
51 |
When must you stop on a motorway? |
52 |
Which sign means 'no overtaking'? |
53 |
What does this motorway sign mean? |
54 |
What does this sign mean? |
55 |
What does this sign mean? |
56 |
What does this sign mean? |
57 |
Why should you slow down when you see this sign? |
58 |
You're driving on a smart motorway. What's the speed limit when the hard shoulder is being used as a running lane? |
59 |
In which part of the United Kingdom do traffic officers operate? |
60 |
What's the purpose of an emergency refuge area on a smart motorway? |
61 |
What are traffic officers authorised to do? |
62 |
You're on a motorway. What does it mean when a red cross is displayed above the hard shoulder? |
63 |
You're on a smart motorway. What does it mean when a mandatory speed limit is displayed above the hard shoulder? |
64 |
What's the aim of a smart motorway? |
65 |
You're on a smart motorway. What do the speed-limit signs indicate? |
66 |
You're travelling on a motorway. A red cross is displayed on the gantry signals above the hard shoulder and mandatory speed limits are shown above all other lanes. What does the red cross mean? |
67 |
You see this sign on a smart motorway. Which lane can you use? |
68 |
When can you travel on the hard shoulder of a motorway? |
69 |
What does this sign mean? |
70 |
What does this sign mean? |
71 |
Which road user is sometimes allowed to share a bus lane? |
72 |
You're driving a fully loaded coach that's 12 metres long. What should you do when you approach this sign? |